Welcome to the official website of the Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CT-MRI) Society of the Philippines! CTMRISOCIETY.org

Welcome to the official website of the Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CT-MRI) Society of the Philippines! CTMRISOCIETY.org
Examination Schedule and Venue Date: May 19-20, 2018 Venue: Amabassador Sala (2nd Floor), Hotel Jen Manila, 3001 Roxas Blvd, Pasay City, Metro Manila Time: 7:00 AM onwards
2015 Philippine Board of CT-MRI Written and Oral Examination Results
Twenty years after its founding, the CT-MRISP publishes its initial issue of the official newsletter providing another venue of communication with its members and related affiliations. The four-page copy contains articles regarding the society’s current and historical endeavors and was